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Pearlyn & Brenda

We’d recommend Xytex because we loved that we could get a response quickly, especially when emailing from so far away.

“My partner ( Brenda ) & I live in Singapore & manage a balloon company together. We’ve been together for 16 years now & have always wanted to start our family right from the beginning. I believe we began our journey in 2019, but the journey to having a baby started way before that. We saved up over the years & finally managed to find the courage & the right time to start trying.

We faced a few challenges on the way. I think one of the main issues was my infertility. I found out I had PCOS after the first round of checks. Subsequently, we tried IUI x 4 times & failed. My emotional & physical self were damaged & that period was really challenging. We got through it together & finally managed to conceive. My wife & I definitely supported each other the most during this time.

We learned about Xytex from one of my friends who was also trying. We liked Xytex because we loved that we got a lot of information when needed & the response rate was very efficient & the personal touch was comforting on this journey.

When choosing our donor, health was the most important factor, followed by character & the overall feeling we got from the donor. Positive vibes. My advice to others? Don’t be too mindful of it, follow your guts, & select the right one. We’d recommend Xytex because we loved that we could get a response quickly, especially when emailing from so far away. After completing our purchase with Xytex, we managed to give birth to our little miracle of life, Baby Velda!”